CSI Adding to Talented Team

In the face of the continuing known and unknowns facing us in 2021 and beyond, CSI has been steadily adding talented teammates to support our clients through these most interesting times.

The long-standing team of Terry Mather, Louie Lange and Steve Haas—coupled with long-time CSI Associate Partners John Carrigg and Pat Keating, continue to deliver value to companies seeking crisis and turnaround management support, help in driving a growth and performance improvement agenda, and thoroughly preparing businesses for the rigors of a planned sale process.

Paul Raab and Robert Sappey have been contributing to new and existing clients, having joined CSI in the past few years. Art Stout ( has been actively working as an Affiliate Partner, providing plant floor assessments and optimization both for CSI clients and others.

New team members include Associate Partners Dennis Backhaus and Jeff VanStraten.

Dennis is a long-time client of CSI Partner Louis Lange. Dennis has successfully built, with a partner, a very nice industrial spring business in Washington County. Now transitioning away from day-to-day management by bringing in a strong successor leadership team, Dennis has turned his sights on helping other entrepreneurs build their teams and corporate value.

Jeff VanStraten has a long history of contract CEO work in the Milwaukee area. Now living in the Fox River Valley, Jeff brings excellent family business leadership and transition skills to the CSI group. Jeff has a strong financial and operational background and is currently Acting CEO at one company, and a Coach to three others.

Complementing these additions is a new Affiliate Partner, Daniel Vilione. Daniel is a serial entrepreneur with specific expertise in marketing and web and digital media.Daniel brings to CSI the independent ability to assess a firm’s digital presence and to recommend and implement upgrades across the marketing spectrum to drive more business, more efficiently.

These additions provide more depth to our consulting ranks. We are excited to welcome them look forward to delivering our services as a coordinated team.


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